This Website is all about the Languages I learn and information on them! I am interested in languages, mostly endangered or small ones. So I am here to so you some things about these languages!
skip all more down if you want to see things on languages!
Warning this website is still being worked on!
Road map for things I will try to add to H-S-L-O!
Languages I am learning!
I focus mainly on West Frisian and work on Italian and Sicilian on the sides. (I am a native English Speaker by the way)
Here are Languages I am interested in but not fully learning!
These are the languages I am most interested in but I am interested in all languages really!
Also here's a link to my Youtube channel. (or maybe your here because of my channel)What is West Frisian?
West Frisian is tied for 2nd in closest language to Engish only being beating by scots!(WF is tied with her sisterlanguages North and Saterland/East Frisian)
West Frisian is spoken by around 500,000 people in the province of Friesland in the Netherlands.
(blue is where West Frisian is spoken)
West Frisian can be best described as English but you replace all of the French and Latin influence with Dutch Influence.
Here's English, West Frisian, and Dutch campared.
English: Hello! How is it going? (Or how is it with you)
WestFrisian: Goeie! Hoe is it mei dy?
Dutch: Hallo! Hoe gaat het met jou?
As we can see West Frisian is WAYYY closer to Dutch than English. Even though West Frisian is influenced a lot by Dutch,we can still see West Frisian still keeps a lot of it's unique flavore that makes learning the language very fun and unique!
here are some basics on West Frisian if you want to learn the language or just learn a bit!
West Frisian has a lot of dialects and ways of saying things so some times it comes up to you which one you want to use!
Basic west Frisian phrases
WF Pronunciation Eng How commonly used
Goeie goo-yuh Hi/Hello/Hey Common
A Goeie ah goo-yuh Hi/Hello/Hey Semi-common
Hagoeie ah goo-yuh Hi/Hello/Hey Semi-common
Hoi hoi (like in bOY) hoi Hi/hello(informal) Common
Oant sjen ouhnt sjehn Goodbye Common
Oant moarn ouhnt mouhn See you tomorrow Common
Sjoddy Sjaw-dee See-ya(sjoch-dysee you) Rare
Hoi hoi (like in bOY) Bye (informal) Semi-common
Ja Jah Yes
Nee nayy No
Miskien mis-kee(uh)n Maybe (more common)
Mooglik moohgluhk Maybe
These ones can basically be used as Hello or Hi (these are all pretty common)
Goeie dei goo-yuh dI Good day (the I sound is like in the Pronoun I)
Goeie moarn goo-yuh mouhn Good morning
Goeie middei goo-yuh mi-dI Good afternoon
Goeie jun Goo-yuh yoon Good evening
Some use Goe- then add some thing like Goemoarn or Goejun
Goeie nacht (goo-yuh nah-kht) exists but is rare.
Lekker sliepe leh-kr slee(uh)p-uh Sleep well (goodnight)
Sliep lekker slee(uh)p leh-kr Sleep well (goodnight)
Lekker koese leh-kr koo-suh Sleep well (goodnight)
Lekker koese seems to be the rarer out of the three